Danagal Shard, Domain of the Dreamers

Danagal Shard has always been aware of what is coming for humanity in the end. Some say they are the most empathetic Chronolith and the most respectful of history. They have a strong respect for paradox, undone, and what is to come in the future. Their people are as well cared for as possible which often stretches resources thin. Some gurus and other seers have learned to use undone to maintain their strength while going without food and water, sometimes for weeks so that members of their congregation can flourish. Their science divisions work heavily on botany and fungal studies, trying hard to create as much food as possible within their fungaries and micro gardens. Politically, they still revere the old ways from before the crash--despite their general dislike for their noble controllers. The nobility use their Black Coats to steal food and medication from their populace, and have the least to do with their people. Despite this, the Domain of Dreamers is flourishing under the kindnesses of their common council and hard-working agricultural leaders.

Groups take psychedelics to try to improve their connections with undone, and many kindness cults have risen, trying to raise the awareness of the plight of undone. Undone help guide these cults with knowledge of random futures.

Drug labs are frequent aboard the Shard, and many Black Coats raid these establishments for cash or other goods. Some undone have taken to possessing people to fight these interlopers, unleashing powerful healing on civilians and knitting their flesh back together while they fight these legalized bandits.


Pax Lumina- Peaceful Light, Domain of Deterrence


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