Aurugin Castellum has always been good at paying their way into a variety of institutions, knowing that money and knowledge is power. Their Codex Fabricum is a massive database, and a good scribe will always be employed here. There are warehouses filled with journals and scrolls being pored over and turned into microfiche, as data is meticulously sorted.

Cogs are hired to go and infiltrate networks in the future and inscriptionists are sent to infiltrate

more esoteric eras, grabbing what journals and books they can to fill the coffers of knowledge that Aurugin holds so dear.

Their influence over China and India is felt by both countries, as a significant amount of food is stolen every day from a variety of timelines. Governments are influenced to keep the flow of resources always heading up into the Chronolith.

The citizenry of Aurugin are well read and studied for the most part, as this Chronolith works hard to keep education up through museums, libraries, and free schooling. Cultural exploits are encouraged and despite the packed, claustrophobic nature of the Chronolith, its people are much happier than some of their neighbors. It is even rumored that the elements of rebellion against the queen are secretly being placed in everyone's minds through House Villon.


Aduna- The Human Sea